As I’m coming up on my 21st year for the second time around I can’ t help but  feel nostalgic and reflect. I’ve learned a lot about life from my own experiences and vicariously through friends (at this point it’s a 50/50 split). So here are 19 selfish (or not so selfish) irresponsible lessons  I’d tell my younger sister….if I had one. Actually it’s not really  lessons per se but life wisdom?



1.Don’t ever feel ashamed if by society/your inner circle’s definition you  are considered “shallow.” Everyone has a preference. Don’t feel bad for what you don’t like…unless of course there is some deep underlying issues of self-hatred.


2.It’s ok to engage in reckless behavior …sometimes. It’s actually good for the  soul. So long as you’re the party initiating and is 100% cool with it.


3.You will go through phases of self confidence.Somedays you’ll look and feel like a 10, other days your face and body just won’t cooperate and you will feel a 4 at best. There will be nothing anyone can say that will make you feel any different, so please don’t go searching for validation.


4.Drunken foolery is good. No need to be embarrassed. Just hold your head high the next morning and embrace it. There is nothing worst than not owning up to your actions and using  the weak ass excuse that “it was the liquor.” Remember real Gs don’t to get embarrassed by drunk tweets on their timeline.


5.Your bestie from college  that you spent every waking moment with will probably move  to another country. When that happens you’re going to feel completely alone and pissed that you will be forced to make new friends. Initially you may resent him/her for “leaving you.” Those feelings are totally ok.


6.After college don’t feel obligated to stay at home because your parents missed you. Live  for yourself. If anything stay at home because it makes economic sense to do so. Yes even though your parents brought you into this world and you may feel like you “owe them”  be selfish and live for yourself.


7.It’s totally ok to be selfish and immature just know that you may pay for your fuckery.


8.It’s ok to pee in the city streets. Screw proper etiquette and the “right thing to do”….when nature calls listen before you end up with a weak bladder. Just make sure there are no cops in sight. You don’t want to get a ticket for indecent exposure.


9. Never feel bad if you don’t like/ love  your significant other  as much as they like you.There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


10.On the same token, don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts.


11. It’s also ok to get unattached from people easily. There’s nothing wrong with you if it takes you less than a month to fully get over a break up. You’re a Spartan… you just heal faster.Embrace it!


12.Don’t be so caught up in an ex that you block a good opportunity. Trust me, you will regret it as much as you try to live by the faux mantra ” live life without regrets.”


13.It’s ok to tell someone that you’re feeling them. I’m not saying post obscure song lyrics and tag the person or prematurely profess your undying love via Tweegram. Telling the boy/girl who you’re currently seeing that you sorta kinda like them a lot is cool. Real Gs have feelings too.


14.Don’t give someone the time of day if they’re not trying to invest TIME & ENERGY into building a relationship (personal/work) with you. Don’t be the only fool doing the heavy lifting.


15. If you are in a situation that make you feel uncomfortable…. leave.


16. At the risk of appearing ‘soft’ it’s perfectly ok to show someone that you appreciate and care for them, just make sure they are worth it before you start showing them your appreciation.


17. Don’t be a simple whore. Know your worth both in your professional and personal relations.


18. Stay clear of overly emotional men and women. They end up being a major pain in the ass. However it is important to note that there is a clear distinction between overly passionate and overly emotional.If you can discern between the two you’re ahead of the game.


19. Lastly, be weary of people who f**k with people that don’t f**k with you.

