Category Archive Blog

Spartan Race Finisher!


Fresh off my Jamaican excursion I returned Stateside to participate in the mother of obstacle course races…The Spartan Race. My intention was to workout during vacation so that I maintain my stamina but my days were so  jammed packed with activities that I did not have time to go to the gym at my resort.

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When to Say No?

Activists demonstrate in front of riot police outside the Mane Garrincha National Stadium in Brasilia

Once I make a decision I’m pretty much set in my ways and there’s nothing that you can tell me to think otherwise. The summer of 2013  I decided that I must attend the World Cup in Rio. A few people tried to dissuade and tell me to skip out on this because of the political unrest in Brazil. These days it seems like every nation is going through some sort of unrest but people still travel.

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