Young Forever: Jay-Z at Barclays Center


Brooklyn we did it!!!

September 30 2011-Barclay’s Center-  I was consumed with an overwhelming amount of pride. Proud because this was a historic occasion for my hometown. Proud because Shawn Corey Carter,  the man who once had a stash house on 550 State St. is responsible for bringing a basketball team to Brooklyn! Each night during the concert series at Barclays center  9,000 people  not only made history  but left  the arena inspired to tap into their genius level talent as Jay so eloquently puts it.

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21 at the Adult Disney World:Vegas

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I know this is longgg overdue but alas the kid is back!  Life intervened and I had to take a little break but let’s jump into this like I never left.

I decided to head out the west coast for a week  to celebrate my 21st birthday. Always wanting new experiences I opted to go to Arizona and Vegas. In a few short days I managed to check the following off my bucketlist:

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Top 5 Olympic Ads

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It’s safe to say that mostly EVERYONE had Olympic fever. From Team Jamaica dominating the track to Michael Phelps’ rise to becoming a legend; social media chatter around the games were strong and loud. Equally buzzed about were the Olympic ads. Most Campaigns were 360 and had strong digital and mobile  tie-ins. It is clear that advertisers spared no expense. NBC reportedly brought in an estimated 1 billion dollars in ad revenue (I supposed they somewhat broke even as the network had to pay the Olympic Committee 1.18 billion for exclusive broadcasting rights). Some ads missed the mark entirely *cough Apple*

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